Message: “Have You Any Wool?” from Sonya Brown

A message from the series “Black Sheep.” Did you know the nursery rhyme ‘Ba Ba Black Sheep’ was about unfair taxation? That’s right – we’ve been finding ways to protest unjust rulers since the first person exploited someone else. Jeremiah too critiqued the kings and priests who cared only for themselves. He promised a better ruler, a more faithful king was coming. So how does our relationship to Jesus help us spot the faithful leaders – and those who are working against God?

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Message: “How We Learn to Listen” from Sonya Brown

A message from the series “Black Sheep.” How do we NOT feel overwhelmed when facing the evils of the world? No wonder we have a tendency to silence or ignore those suffering – especially when we’re powerless to help. Jeremiah teaches us that in times of great crisis maybe what we need to do is be silent and learn to lament. Because lamenting teaches us how to hear the voices of the crushed and marginalized. Lamentation is our pathway back to the people God created us and calls us to be!

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Message: “Sabbath Revolution” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Black Sheep.” Sabbath is one of those old-fashioned ideas we don’t pay attention to much these days. After all, who can really afford to take a whole day off from life? In Jeremiah’s day, the people’s failure to keep Sabbath was the signal fire that they were faithless. Why is Sabbath so important? And what does it look like to keep Sabbath in our (way too) busy world? How is Sabbath an act of revolution?

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Message: “No Fast, No Feast” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Black Sheep.” You know that “This is Fine” Dog? It’s a pretty good representation of God’s people in Jeremiah’s day – and maybe in ours too. That’s why God told Jeremiah not to attend funerals or weddings. God refused to go along with business as usual in the face of the people’s unfaithfulness. What does ‘no fast, no feast’ look like for God’s faithful people today?

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Message: “Leaky Raincatchers” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Black Sheep.” No one worries about idols anymore. Which is weird because the prophets warned about them all the time. Why should we still heed their warnings today? What, exactly, IS an idol? And what does any of this have to do with raincatchers that leak?

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Message: “One Big (Magical) Family” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “La Familia Madrigal\’s Handy Dandy Guide to Spiritual Transformation.” Throughout the summer, we’ve see how differently we all experience the world, and how different our paths to healing can be. Such a variety can be overwhelming – sort of like Mirabel’s big opening number. As we bring this series to a close, let’s remember a core, simple truth: no matter who we are, we belong. We’re all part of the family God has created here at Catalyst!

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Message: “Camilo the Enthusiast – Enneagram 7” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “La Familia Madrigal\’s Handy Dandy Guide to Spiritual Transformation.” Did we save the best for last? Maybe so… Enneagram 7s are the life of every party. Sevens love life and want to live it to the fullest – just like Camilo in Encanto. But life isn’t all fun and games – so what does it take for Sevens to slow down and be present to the hard parts of life, too?

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Message: “Bruno the Loyalist – Enneagram 6” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “La Familia Madrigal\’s Handy Dandy Guide to Spiritual Transformation.” Do you have a friend who worries constantly? Who’s aware of every possible danger – most you’d never considered? You might know an Enneagram 6. While they sometimes sound like Chicken Little, 6s are called Loyalists because they’re the most steady, reliable people you’ve ever met. What’s the path to health for these 6s? How do the rest of us make space for them to flourish? Brace yourself… for answers, we’re going to have to talk about Bruno!

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