Not Like the Others

If you were to make a list of people least likely to want to know Jesus, who would be at the top of that list? Paul’s encounters in Acts 16 were a strong message to the early Church that no one is off limits. The Holy Spirit is working in even the wildest among us!

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On Deconstructing Faith

When we start to question foundational aspects of our faith, it feels scary. When others begin to question, we feel threatened. But “deconstruction,” as this process has become known, is a vital part of a healthy, vibrant faith. It’s a process that’s not predictable and not quick. But Paul’s nearly two decades between conversion and mission work offer a window into the good that comes when we trust that God is not only not threatened by questions, but working with us to have a deeper and stronger faith than ever.

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We don’t like people who rock the boat. People who don’t follow the rules. We call them savages. But it’s often true that the truly savage are those who enforce the status quo. How can we find the courage to face the God who invites us to be changed, to come… into the wild?

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The Good Story

What does it mean for us to be truth-tellers? How we tell stories matters. The lynching of Stephen in the early church reveals how we can re-narrate the stories of our culture for justice and hope. What stories are we telling today?

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