
At Catalyst, we believe that Friendship is the heart of Jesus’ good news. What does that mean? Friendship with God invites us to go beyond hospitality to seeking friendship outside our own spaces. What does that mean for us – both as individuals and as a church? PLUS: we’ll hear from our Mexico team about how they discovered friendship in Chihuahua!

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On Being a Black Sheep Church

What does it mean to be a Black Sheep church? How can we be faithful in a culture that doesn’t fit? We review our time with Jeremiah, and hear one last promise. The call is overwhelming, so it’s a good thing the God who calls us is even bigger!

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Have You Any Wool?

Did you know the nursery rhyme ‘Ba Ba Black Sheep’ was about unfair taxation? That’s right – we’ve been finding ways to protest unjust rulers since the first person exploited someone else. Jeremiah too critiqued the kings and priests who cared only for themselves. He promised a better ruler, a more faithful king was coming. So how does our relationship to Jesus help us spot the faithful leaders – and those who are working against God?

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How We Learn to Listen

How do we NOT feel overwhelmed when facing the evils of the world? No wonder we have a tendency to silence or ignore those suffering – especially when we’re powerless to help. Jeremiah teaches us that in times of great crisis maybe what we need to do is be silent and learn to lament. Because lamenting teaches us how to hear the voices of the crushed and marginalized. Lamentation is our pathway back to the people God created us and calls us to be!

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