Reading the Bible Mythically

We’ve spent the whole summer learning all kinds of tools to read Scripture. But if we approach the Bible with the wrong attitude, we’ll still miss the God to whom the Scripture points. With some help from John and C. S. Lewis., we learn how to read the Bible mythically.

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How to Read Myth

The idea that the Bible contains mythology makes a lot of us uncomfortable. But just like other genres, myth is there on purpose – and vital to our formation as God’s people. So how does myth work, exactly?

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How to Read Epistles

Faith doesn’t have to be an esoteric, theoretical thing. In fact, the letters in the Bible present us a window into how the earliest followers of Jesus navigated the complexities of faithfulness in the real world. How can these letters help us navigate our own faithfulness today?

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How to Read Folklore

How are the powerless to make their way in the world? Folktales – literally stories of the people – record tricks and traps those with no social or political capital use to shape the world around them. But… why are such stories in the Bible? And can they really form us spiritually? Michelle Reyes takes us into the story of Tamar to explore the tricksters and trickstars who enact Biblical justice – whatever it takes!

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