Strength to Love

Love comes easy to some of us. But for a lot of us, being more loving is really hard. It’s scary to be more vulnerable. To risk reaching out. But the thing about love is that it is inevitable. If we just keep going, we’ll find it. So how do we find the strength to love?

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Love Changes the World

What does love look like in public? As Dr. Cornel West says, it’s justice. How can we love well, in public? What does it mean to say that love changes the world?

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Divine Love

Party of what’s so challenging about seeking out love is that we’ve been told God is love, but have so many unloving images of God. Jesus helps us to see who God is and how God loves us. And as we connect to Jesus, his love transforms how we engage the people we encounter.

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Barriers to Love

What keeps us from being more loving? Proverbs has a list of seven things God hates – and God hates them because they’re barriers to having more love in our lives. How do we spot these barriers? And what do we do to root them out?

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