The Almighty Algorithms

What’s the harm in scrolling through social media, reading or watching whatever comes across our screens? We know in the abstract that tech companies use algorithms to determine what we see, but how often do we ask what those algorithms – and the companies who write them – want? How do these algorithms shape our spirituality? And how can we take responsibility for our feeds?

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Chat JesusPT

It’s easy to vilify the latest technology, but how do we really know if the latest gadget, app or trend is holy or not? What could the Bible possibly have to say about technologies two millennia younger than its writings? How do we learn to think theologically about smartphones, laptops, social media and everything else?

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What’s Wrong with Superhero Movies?

There’s no bigger box-office draw than a superhero movie. Why do we love these stories so much? What does that say about us? Is there a limit to the good superhero movies can do? And what does any of that have to do with our calling as a people of God?

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What Do We Do When Law and Love Collide?

In a perfect world, our call to love God would never conflict with our call to love our neighbors. But our world is complex, and too often, we find ourselves torn between a desire to be holy and a desire to love. How do we untangle this tension that leaves us in knots? What do we do when these two forces collide?

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Why Does God Hate Hercules?

What does it mean to be ‘holy’? In the ancient world, that meant ‘set apart’ or ‘special’. God calls those who follow God to be a ‘holy people’. So how are we set apart? Much of the ancient imagery is wrapped up in blood sacrifice, demigods and… dietary restrictions? What does all that mean for us today? How can we be holy as God calls us to be?

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