Plan B

What do we do when life doesn’t go the way we thought? People of faith try our best to follow God’s will, but that’s not a guarantee life is going to go our way. Joseph shows us what faithfulness looks like when Plan A goes off the rails.

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The Longest Walk

Nobody loves change, but change doesn’t ask our permission to happen. So when change comes, how can we engage it faithfully? It all begins by being willing to leave what’s been and trust that God is leading us into the future. Do we have the courage to take that first, longest step?

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Who Would Jesus Boycott?

Social media promises to connect us, but we’ve seen throughout this series how technology can harm as easily as heal. How do we discern what wise use of these technologies look like? How can we be sure technology is serving our faith journey, and not the other way around?

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Who Would Jesus Cancel?

In the wake of #metoo, everyone is afraid of Cancel Culture. No one is immune, from celebrities to pastors. While some see this as justice, others see a dangerous mob, accountable to no one. How should people of faith engage cancel culture? What does redemption look like for those who have wronged others? How can we offer grace without compromising truth?

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