Message: “Pentecost vs Racism” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Winds of Change.” In the last month, violence against Black Americans has once again been undeniable. How ought the Church to respond to racism in our day and time? Pentecost Sunday – the birthday of the Church, and the day we celebrate receiving the Holy Spirit – is the perfect day to consider these questions. God makes us one body that is united but not uniform. As a spiritual family, when one of us hurts, we all hurt. So how can we stand together?

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Message: “The Gifter” from Josh Mounce

A message from the series “Winds of Change.” God gives us the ability to participate in the Church by empowering us. These abilities are gifts from the Holy Spirit. These gifts enable us to serve each other, to imitate Jesus. So… how do they work?

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Message: “The Gardener” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Winds of Change.” God calls us to be loving, joyful, peace-making, patient, kind, generous, gentle, faithful and self-controlled. This list of virtues is as inspiring as it is intimidating. Which of us can say we’re any of these, let alone all of them? Paul’s letter to the Galatians reveals how we come to embody these virtues: not by working at them, but by giving the Spirit space to change us.

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Message: “The Judge” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Winds of Change.” We like rules because they make things black and white. But real life is full-color, and knowing what’s right can feel nearly impossible sometimes. Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as our judge, the one who reveals both sin and righteousness to the world. What does that look like?

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Message: “The Advocate” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Winds of Change.” None of us likes to feel put on the spot, singled out or attacked. That’s part of what makes sharing our faith so scary – who knows how people are going to react! But before Jesus left us, he promised the Holy Spirit would be our Advocate. What does that mean? And how does the Spirit advocate for us in the world?

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Message: “A Breath of Fresh Air” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Winds of Change.” The first Easter was a time of fear and isolation. In other words, we have a lot more in common with the disciples on that first Easter than we usually do, when Easter is a big party in our church buildings. So what can we learn from that first Easter? How does Jesus’ gift of the Holy Spirit offer hope to all us who are trapped inside today?

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Message: “Philadelphia: The Weak Church” from Tim Basselin

A message from the series “Under Pressure.” How does a Church measure success? Is it with numbers? Activities? Size? By any of those measures, the church at Philadelphia was a failure – and yet Jesus praised them more highly than any of the other churches. What can we learn about how to be faithful from this weak church?

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