Message: “The Limits of Personal Experience” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Rooted.” Our personal experience of God is essential to our relationship with God, but everyone’s experiences are different. How can we know whether our experience of God is authentic and valid, or whether we’re just talking to ourselves? Paul insists we need to draw close to each other in community. A personal experience of God requires a communal experience of God.

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Message: “Rooted in Serving” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Rooted.” We know Christians are called to serve. Through our serving, those we serve come to know God’s love. But the inverse is true, too. When we serve, we come to know God better. How is serving a pathway to know God? How can we be sure we’re getting to know God better when we’re serving?

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Message: “Rooted in Spiritual Practices” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Rooted.” One of the hallmarks of a faith that is deep, vibrant and flourishing is consistent, healthy spiritual practices. Not because we earn God’s favor, but because spiritual practices are a pathway to a relationship with God. How can we cultivate these practices that lead us to knowing God more fully?

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Message: “4 Sources of Faith” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Rooted.” How do we come to know God? Not just know about God, but experience a deep, personal relationship with our creator? There are four major sources of faith. Which are you employing? Which might God be using to call you to a deeper faith?

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Message: “Feasting Together” from Ashley Bekkerus

A message from the series “Growing Together.” Relationships are a lot of work – but the goal isn’t work, it’s the relationship itself. Pentecost is a feast day – a reminder that God created us for a full, joy-filled life together. It’s important to stop working and celebrate milestones. Healthy relationships feast together!

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Message: “Solving Problems” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Growing Together.” We buy into the myth that healthy relationships don’t have conflict, but that’s not true. Healthy relationships are really good at navigating conflict. What are the keys to healthy conflict resolution? How can we implement them in the conflicts we face on a daily basis?

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Message: “Unconditional Positive Regard” from Debbie Reese

A message from the series “Growing Together.” Since we live in our own heads, we tend to give ourselves the benefit of the doubt. But we judge others harshly in part because we can’t see what burdens they carry. Healthy relationships are characterized by Unconditional Positive Regard, or giving others the benefit of the doubt. This is a grace we can only give when we first receive it from God. So how do we do that?

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Message: “Mutual Respect” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Growing Together.” Relationships get messy the deeper they get – and that’s a good thing. Unison was never God’s goal for our connections with each other. Romans 14 shows us the path to beautiful, harmonious relationships.

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