Message: “Evangelism Jargon” from Sue Sweeney

A message from the series “Good News for a Change.” Jargon is a really useful language shortcut for insiders, but it can be a real barrier for the uninitiated. When we share the good news of Jesus with others, how can we identify and remove our Christian jargon?

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Message: “Works vs Words” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Good News for a Change.” In sharing good news, we debate whether to lead with good works or with powerful words. But Jesus’ example shows that to be a false dichotomy. We share good news when we ARE good news, when our words match our actions.

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Message: “Stay Focused” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Good News for a Change.” When we share the Good News of Jesus with people, it’s easy to get distracted by a lot of side issues – conversations that are important, but not as important as knowing Jesus. How can we stay focused on the main thing: a relationship with Jesus?

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Message: “Good News to Them” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Good News for a Change.” When we share the good news with others, we often fall back on formulas that don’t connect with where they are. But if God is already at work in their lives, what happens if we look closer? How is God good news for the people we know and love, even if they don’t know God?

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Message: “The Good News for You” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Good News for a Change.” Evangelism often relies on guilt, shame or fear to motivate people. But those aren’t good news, and they’re not where God’s posture towards us begins. Jesus’ baptism is an invitation for all of us to remember the heart of the good news: that we are God’s beloved children, and God delights in us.

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Message: “The Good News” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Good News for a Change.” Evangelism so often comes across as bad news. But God loves all of us, and is already at work in each of our lives. The story of the magi visiting Jesus demonstrates God’s persistent love for us – and that is good news worth sharing!

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Message: “A Coat is a Hug You Wear” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Raise Your Voice.” Gift-giving is central to our Christmas celebration. Hannah gave her son Samuel a coat every year as her way of remaining present with him. So too we can be present with those God has brought into our lives when we give of who we are and what we have. Raising our voices can be tangible!

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Message: “Bethlehem People” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “Raise Your Voice.” It’s hardest for us to speak up in the circles that know us best. But those circles – our families, our co-workers, our friends and neighbors – are where we have the most influence. So how can we find the confidence to live out God’s calling among the people who know us best? We find the answer in a little town called Bethlehem…

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