Message: “Seeds of Resistance” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “The Devil in the Details.” When we confront the big evils of the world like racism or school violence, we often feel paralyzed. What can we do in the face of these behemoths it’s easy to label ‘demonic’? It’s counterintuitive, but Jesus calls us to small, consistent acts of faithfulness. His death casts out the evils of the world, so we are called not to be effective but faithful, trusting that his power is at work in our small acts of love.

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Message: “For Goodness Snakes” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “The Devil in the Details.” What is the goal of faith? Is it safety? Is it a sense of control? Prestige and position? These were in Nicodemus’ mind when he sought out Jesus. But Jesus’ words to him are confounding: Jesus will become a snake, lifted up for the world to see. How does this image challenge our ideas of who God is and what God wants from us? How can Jesus-the-snake invite us to become more loving, more present in our world?

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Message: “Spring Cleaning” from JR. Forasteros

A message from the series “The Devil in the Details.” Does anyone these days feel like they have margin in their lives? Space in their schedules, in their finances? We tend to live at 100%, with no space to listen for God, no room to engage God’s calling on our lives. How can we make space for God to organize and orient our lives?

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Message: “Into the Wilderness” from Tommy Cash

A message from the series “The Devil in the Details.” Living in the wilderness takes extra preparation. So too, if we’re going to enter into the season of Lent, we need to prepare. God is going to do something powerful in our midst. Will we be ready for it? Will we be prepared?

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Message: “Which Rules do We Have to Follow?” from Debbie Reese

A message from the series “Ask Better Questions.” Most religions have a god who’s confined to a mountain – high above the world with special people who can only access the gods on special days. But when God became human in Jesus, God left the mountain once and for all to live among us. This means that Jesus is with us everyday, everywhere we go!

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Message: “Am I Right?” from Josh Mounce

A message from the series “Ask Better Questions.” Disagreement is tough – in the church as everywhere else in life. How do we engage people we disagree with – especially when we’re so sure we’re right? Paul tells the Corinthian church that “right” is the wrong framework. Unless we disagree on a foundation of love, we’re headed for disaster. How do we pursue unity above all else?

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Message: “What if the Grass is Greener Over There?” from Sue Sweeney

A message from the series “Ask Better Questions.” What would you do if you learned the world was ending next week? Our answers to that question reveal our ‘happiness gap’ – how far we are from the life we really want. The Corinthian Christians asked Paul whether they should marry given the trials of their culture and the immanent return (they think!) of Jesus. Paul’s advice to them is to be content where they are. Rather than focusing on the greener grass over there, we should focus on what God is calling us to right where we are.

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