5 Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith

How do we discover life-changing faith? What would your life look like if you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt God was real? How would your relationships be different? How would your job be different? In this series, we’ll explore the five things God uses to take our faith to the next level. We’ll learn how we can partner with God to have the kind of faith we thought was only for spiritual giants. God wants you to have big faith. Saying YES starts here!

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[W]hole 2018

How do we know if we’re a whole person? Sin never begins full grown – it starts as seeds buried deep within us. Jesus told us a fully human life is one where we love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. After we explore what Jesus meant by those terms, we’ll see how we can use each as a lens to investigate ourselves. We’ll discover the seeds of sin hiding within us so we can pluck them out before they can grow to full bloom.

God invites us all to have a whole life, a full life!

The Way, Way Back

What’s Summer without a road trip? We’re travelling back to the stories of the Patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. They lived on the road, and in their travels, they encountered God in strange and unexpected ways. What do we learn about God on the road that we can’t learn when we stay in our comfort zones? How might God be calling us to go somewhere new, following after our creator?

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Monday Messiah

We like to claim that Jesus’ resurrection changed the world. But how? How does it matter that Jesus was raised from the dead not on Sunday, when we worship, but on Monday, when we dive back into our ordinary lives? In this series, we explore the “I Am” statements Jesus makes in John’s Gospel to see how the new life Jesus offers us is as immediate and relevant as ever, right where we live, work and play.

How does Jesus change not just our Sundays, but our Mondays?

The Devil in the Details

Ever feel like life is a blur? A constant flurry of obligations and activities and commitments? We keep ourselves so busy we don’t have time to listen for the still, small voice of God calling us. Lent is a chance to slow down, to attend to all the little things that become habits that separate us from God.

How can we slow down and find God at work in our midst?

Ask Better Questions

Does it seem these days that people don’t ask good questions? Questions come with barbs all over them, or are asked in such a way that the answer is already obvious. God coming into the world raises some big questions about how we live in the wake of his coming. But we need to ask the right questions. This series will explore the questions asked of Paul by the Christians in Corinth. We’ll get at the questions behind their questions, to the good news for all of us – even here at the dawn of the 21st century. Jesus has come into the world, and nothing has been the same since.

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To Be Continued

Advent is the season in which we prepare to welcome Jesus into the world. It’s a season of hope – the light has not come, but it is coming into the world. It’s the time of day just before the sun peeks over the horizon. As we anticipate Jesus’ birth, we come to realize that God’s story didn’t end at Christmas – it was only beginning. And the story is still being told today – a story of love, hope and promise.

What does it mean to say that God is still telling the great story of love through us?

Good Grief

We avoid pain and grief as much as possible. When faced with someone else’s grief, we avoid or offer platitudes. But the book of Lamentations invites us to sit with grief, to enter into the prophetic process of Lament. In this series, we’ll explore how to grieve and how to be a friend to the grieving.

Ultimately, we’ll see how the process of lament invites us to be agents of healing in the larger world.

Empathy for the Devil

We don’t give the people we consider villains a second thought. They were born rotten, destined for evil from day one. But if we take another look at some of the most infamous villains of all time, we may find they’re more human than we thought. We may see ourselves in their reflection.

We might find we’re walking the path of villainy – and once we see that, we can turn toward God’s life!