Catalyst to the Future

Catalyst creates spaces where everyone can embrace their God-given calling. How will we love in the next 10 years? How will we grow? How will we serve?

Who will Catalyst become? How will you be part of it?



[/one_half][one_half_last]Why do we love stories about monsters? Vampires, werewolves, zombies and ghosts fascinate us – which is strange. Monster stories aren’t really about monsters – they’re about us. Monster stories externalize our deepest fears about ourselves. If we’re willing to face our monsters head-on, we can find freedom and hope.

Let the monsters die so the human can thrive!



We don’t naturally think about technology from a theological perspective. But since everything is spiritual, we must learn how to approach technology with God in mind. While the first questions that come to mind about screens in particular is a question of time (and the most natural answer is a list of rules, recommended hours, etc.), we want to move our questioning toward where is this screen time leading me? Knowing where you’re going, setting a goal, makes it easier to know how to use the technology at your disposal to get there. The proper use of technology should be moving us toward heaven on earth, while improper use of technology would bring hell to earth.

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Top 10: Songs

Our Top 10 series are all about listening to popular culture. This summer, we engage the messages of 10 popular songs from the last 50 years. As we listen, we interact with those messages out of the Scriptures, to celebrate how God is working all around us.

How does God speak through these Top 10 Songs?

Summer Break ’15

Each Summer, we give our KidMin volunteers a break, which means our kids worship with us. These sermons are designed to be more accessible to kids, and could be about just about anything!

It’s Summertime!

Go There!

What lines are you afraid to cross? In the years immediately following Jesus’ resurrection, his followers had to reimagine what their religion looked like. The Holy Spirit compelled them to take the good news of resurrection and new life far beyond every border they’d ever known. The book of Acts helps us imagine the dangerous and exciting mission God is calling us to today.

Don’t Go There!

Can You Hear Me Now?

Throughout history, God has made covenants with humanity. These covenants are promises to be faithful, to trust, to live together in peace. And over and over, humanity has broken those covenants. But now that God has come in Jesus, he is restoring broken covenants, healing broken relationships, reestablishing peace between God and humanity. This Lent, we look to Jesus to transform us and make us whole.

Jesus is saying, Can You Hear Me Now?

Is This On?

Ask most people if God speaks to them and they’ll wonder if you’re crazy. Most people think God only speaks to the very religious or the not-quite sane. But what if God is speaking to everyone? What if – because Jesus has come – God’s voice is all around us, in our every day lives? How can we hear God’s voice? What does God sound like? What is God saying? In this series, we’ll learn how to hear the God who is speaking to all of us.

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Thrill of Hope

It seems like everyone’s in a competition to “Do Christmas Well” these days. From party after party to non-stop shopping for all those perfect gifts to endless feasts, we don’t feel like we can stop. But Advent teaches us that to do Christmas well, we have to learn to wait. And waiting is not something we are very good at. Learning to wait well is the key to doing Christmas well. And it’s very good news! In this series, we’ll learn that waiting brings back the thrill of hope

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No matter how much we enjoy the weekend worship experience, sooner or later, we stop growing. That’s because we need more than great music and an engaging message. We need to connect with other people who are on the same journey as us. Learning we’re not alone as we try to follow Jesus changes everything, and that’s what Branches is all about. In a Branches group, you’ll find people who’ve been where you are, who know the joys and pains of building relationships, work and figuring out your calling, raising a family, leaving a lasting legacy. They’re people you can join with in figuring out exactly how the new life Jesus offers us changes our whole world. If that sounds too good to be true, it’s not. Becoming part of a small group is the single best way to pursue a thriving, life-changing relationship with God. This is Branches. And big things happen in small groups.

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