JR. Forasteros - December 15, 2013


Road to Bethlehem

Even during the Christmas season, many of us feel far from God. Our journey toward Bethlehem looks remarkably like the shepherds. They were born and raised as God's people, but still considered second-class citizens. They were insiders who felt like outsiders. And at Jesus' birth, God left the Temple and appeared among the Shepherds to announce the king of kings could be found not on a throne, but in a manger. The good news for them - and for us - is that God is not found in Temples and Church buildings, but out among us, in our every day lives!

From Series: "Road to Bethlehem"

Shepherds with their sheep. Three kings bearing gifts. A new mother, her husband and their tiny baby, resting in a manger as a star shines brightly overhead. We've all seen the nativity scene hundreds of times. But that peaceful scene hides adventure, surprise, hurt and hope. Each of those persons gathered at that manger walked a different road to get there. Join us this Advent season as we learn their journeys to the manger. Each person's story is an invitation for us to consider our own paths. What does your Road to Bethlehem look like?

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Rag n Bone Man’s “I’m Only Human” tells a fascinating story of a broken relationship. Or rather, it implies that story, since to listen to the song is to feel as though we’re listening to one side of the end of a long, painful conversation.

Again and again, he insists that, whatever happened, “Don’t put your blame on me… I’m only human.”

I’m sorry I couldn’t solve your problems. I’m only human.

I’m sorry I couldn’t figure it out. I’m only human.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be honest. I’m only human.

I’m no Messiah. I’m only human.

The song expresses a sentiment we’re all well-acquainted with: we’re not God.

We can’t save the world – we can’t even save ourselves. So be careful not to put too much faith in me.

There’s some truth to that. We do often tend to put too much faith in other people, which can lead to a lot of heartache.

But that’s not what this song is about. This song is a person who has let someone else down. A person who doesn’t believe in himself. A person who says, “I’m only human.”

Rag n Bone man believes that to be human is to be a failure. To be human is to let other people down. To be human is to be limited, small, insignificant, unworthy of trust or faith.

When’s the last time you let someone down?

Maybe you didn’t return that phone call, or didn’t make it to their house. Maybe like me, you live far away from family and couldn’t make it back for a holiday. Or you failed to keep a promise.

We’ve all been where Rag n Bone man is – feeling the weight of our human limitations. We’ve all wanted to shrug and say, “Don’t put your blame on me! I’m only human!”

Friends, I want to offer us a word of encouragement today. To be human is to be finite, yes, but when we shrug our shoulders and say we’re “only human”, we’re lying about what it means to be human.

Today, we’re going to explore what it means to be human, and we’ll see that while to be human is to be limited, it is not to fail. We’ll see that to be human is a sacred calling, and that God wants us to live tall and proud to be human.

To be human is to represent God in the world. That is our sacred calling. There’s nothing “only” about our humanity.

Join us Sunday as we learn what it means to be fully human.

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