Superman Messiah

We love the idea that Jesus saves us from sin. But what does he save us for? What if Jesus’ life is as important as his death? We kick off our new series by exploring how Jesus’ death frees us to live Jesus’ life. He shows us how to live, and dies so we can live like him. Let’s begin the new year by igniting our faith like never before!

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The Christmas Grinch

There’s one person in the Christmas story we don’t like to talk about – the guy who tried to kill Jesus, and in the process visited an atrocity on the families of Bethlehem. That’s right: Herod the Great, the original Christmas Grinch. But is it possible we have more in common with Herod than we might think? Is it possible that we’re grinchier than we realize? Join us for New Year’s Day (and the 8th day of Christmas) as we explore how we can begin our new year taking our call to follow Jesus more seriously!

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If Only in My Dreams

Christmas is a season of new life, of impossible possibility. Joseph illustrates for us the sort of faith that finds hope in the most unlikely places. As we approach Christmas, how can we attend to the Holy Spirit, particularly in those least likely places?

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John Had a Point

We’re about to the time in the Advent season when the Christmas cheer begins to feel oppressive. After all, we know the world isn’t really characterized by peace on earth or goodwill to all peoples. We might relate to John the Baptizer, who, after preparing the people for Jesus’ ministry, found himself in prison. What do we make of Jesus’ mysterious response to John? How do John and Jesus help us navigate the tension inherent in the Christmas season?

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An Advent Carol

This time of year, nobody wants to be Scrooge. But the ba-humbug spirit is sneakier than we might think. John the Baptizer appears to us this year as the three spirits of Advent past, present and future to remind us what it looks like to be God’s faithful people. Today, the question is: are we preparing ourselves for Jesus’ arrival?

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Home is Where God’s Heart Is

Ever feel like the world’s ending? What comes to mind when you think of the apocalypse? Fire and brimstone? Sun blocked out and moon turning to blood? Bad news… right? Wrong. Somewhere along the way, we picked up the idea that God is going to abandon the world and take us all away. But that’s wrong! The good news is that God loves the world – and home is where God’s heart is. What does it look like for us to love the world the way God does?

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Curiosity 2022

‘Curiosity’ is not a word we associate with churches. Churches are more often known for quieting questions and insisting we ‘just have faith.’ But curiosity is a virtue – the most faithful people in Scripture were often curious. That’s a good thing because God is bigger than any box we make, and when we choose to be curious, we often discover God in new and surprising ways. What does it look like for Catalyst to value curiosity?

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Transformation 2022

What does it take to become more like Jesus? The process of change for a Christian can take a long time, and it’s not very glamorous. It’s a lot like BBQ, actually. What can we learn from the process of “low and slow”? How can our faith flourish as deliciously as a perfectly smoked, 20-hour brisket?

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Diversity 2022

Diversity is a buzzword these days, and it’s not something churches are particularly known for. So what does it mean for a church to say we value diversity? Why does God care about diversity? And how does pursuing diversity help us know God – and heal the world – better?

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At Catalyst, we believe that Friendship is the heart of Jesus’ good news. What does that mean? Friendship with God invites us to go beyond hospitality to seeking friendship outside our own spaces. What does that mean for us – both as individuals and as a church? PLUS: we’ll hear from our Mexico team about how they discovered friendship in Chihuahua!

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