Deconstructing Faith

What happens when it turns out our faith isn’t as strong as we thought it was? Paul warns the Corinthians that God will test our faith in the End. How is that good news for us right now, as we navigate the life of faith?

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What is Our Faith Building?

Faith is founded on Jesus’ love for us. But what is faith, exactly? In other words, what are we building on the foundation of Jesus’ love? Paul sees a connection between two metaphors – a building and a field – that helps us discern the nature of our faith. So what is God inviting us into?

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The Foundation of Faith

What is the foundation of a sturdy faith? The ‘church answer’ is Jesus – and the Apostle Paul agrees. But what does that really mean? For Paul, it means that God seeks us out. God initiates our faith relationship by finding us.

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What is Your Faith Growing?

We’ve spent the last four months asking how we know God better. What better excuse to stop and smell the roses, so to speak? God promises that a life of faith transforms us, creating a grove of fruit that feeds the world around us. What has God been doing in your life in this last season?

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Reading the Bible Together

To be human is to have limitations. We have our perspective – which is good, but it’s also small. When we read the Bible with others, we have the advantage of remembering we’re not the center of the story. God’s bigger purposes come alive to us when we read the Bible together.

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Is the Bible Literal?

When do we take the Bible literally? Do we have to believe the whole thing is literal truth? We dive into the book of Jonah for an example of how to read the Bible while taking genre into account. How can reading literarily – not literally – help us know God better?

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Changed by Scripture

How many of us don’t read the Bible because we find it too intimidating? Psalm 119 is a love letter to Scripture – and in its verses we find a Bible that’s approachable and transformative. So how do we read the Bible to be changed?

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What is the Bible?

What is the Bible? What does it mean to say the Bible is inspired? Far from being a divinely dictated book or a book of theological but human reflections, the Bible is both: a fully divine and fully human book. What does that mean? And how does the Bible help us know God better?

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Mystery vs Suspense

Reason is an important source of knowing God, but it has its limits. Unfortunately, we too often treat God as a puzzle to solve rather than a mystery in which we can trust. What’s the difference between God and a murder mystery dinner? That answer is surprisingly important to our faith!

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Faith vs. Science

For over 400 years, Christians have had a difficult relationship with science. Too often, we treat science as an antagonist to faith. But if science is a tool we developed to know the natural world, then science is a pathway to know the one who made our world. How can we have a faith informed by science?

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