What are your favorite comfort foods?
Mine is a very high brow dish we call “Corn Dip”. It was a treat my family had once a year growing up – only on Christmas Eve.
The recipe for corn dip is pretty esoteric. You need one log of cream cheese, one log of Monterrey jack (pepper jack, if possible) and a can of corn.
You cook the corn in butter, then melt the cheeses. Once it’s all melted together, you serve with nacho cheese Doritos.
What does this dish have to do with Christmas?
Nothing, as far as I can tell.
Where did it originate?
No idea, though based on the fact that it’s all fat and carbs, definitely the Midwest (where I grew up).
I love corn dip. It’s my comfort foot because when I eat it, I’m instantly transported back to those Christmas Eve nights with my siblings and my parents, the joy and anticipation of the next morning burning bright as we scooped gooey dip into our mouths with cheesy, crunchy goodness.
Now that I’m an adult with my own bank account, I can make corn dip whenever I want. But I still try to make it only once or twice a year. Not just because it’s not the healthiest food choice. No, because even though it’s a very plain dish that takes almost no skill to prepare, it’s special to me. It’s sacred, in its own way.
So what’s your comfort food? What reminds you of that space you’re safe, secure and free to hope?
We’re going to hear one of the great comfort poems of the Bible today, and we’ll explore how God uses images and ideas from long ago to speak comfort to a people in turbulent times.