Jesus Descended to Hell

Fear keeps us from risking, from being vulnerable. But confessing that Jesus descended to Hell is an announcement that the power of Death is broken, and that the way of risk and vulnerability truly does lead to life. We can follow Jesus even to the grave, trusting in his resurrection power to bring life where we risk.

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Jesus was Crucified, Died and was Buried

Sin is a word we don’t like to talk about, but we’ve all felt the weight of failure when we miss the mark. In Jesus’ crucifixion, we find a God who responds to our sin not with condemnation but love. We find freedom from our sin and for our calling.

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Jesus Christ, God’s Only Son

Awe: we’ve all experienced it. Those moments under the stars when time slows down. The joy of a child’s love. Moments when the sacred seems to burst into our everyday lives. These moments are Jesus, God’s Son, inviting us to join in God’s life. They’re good for us, and we should seek them out more often. How can we find that life?

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I Believe

For many, belief is the beginning of a relationship with God. But many others struggle with knowing what Christians actually believe. Many more have doubts and questions that are not easily quieted. Is belief really a barrier to a relationship with God? Or can we learn to follow as we learn to believe? Can believe be an invitation to a deeper trust in the God who wants to help our unbelief?

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MUSIC: Page CXVI “Good Friday to Easter”

PAGE CXVI releases their final album in their Church Year Project tomorrow. It’s called GOOD FRIDAY TO EASTER and it’s an incredible way to help yourself prepare for the most important celebration in the Church year. Preview the album here!

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