The Prophets & Poets Mixtape

Epiphany is the season that celebrates the revelation of God to the world. Epiphany asks, Who is this god who came among us? Epiphany celebrates God’s nearness. Like the mixtapes young lovers used to make, we’re listening to the songs of God’s prophets and poets because such a powerful love can really only be expressed in song.

The soundtrack to God’s good news is now playing!

Pure Imagination

In a world increasingly divided and hopeless, even something as simple as respectful disagreement seems impossible. But the prophets who taught Israel how to long for the birth of the Messiah made bold promises: weapons formed into gardening tools; wolves and sheep living in harmony; deserts blooming. Such promises seem impossible – like pure imaginative fiction. But God’s promises aren’t fiction. They’re a future God is bringing into existence. Jesus birth proves God is with us, that God is working. We can have purified imaginations, see the world as it will be, and begin to work for that world now. What does it mean to be a people of Advent?

Advent means the impossible has been made possible!


How do we know if we’re a whole person? Sin never begins full grown – it starts as seeds buried deep within us. Jesus told us a fully human life is one where we love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. After we explore what Jesus meant by those terms, we’ll see how we can use each as a lens to investigate ourselves. We’ll discover the seeds of sin hiding within us so we can pluck them out before they can grow to full bloom!

Join us as we discover the path to a whole, vibrant life!

Free of Charge

We live in a world where nothing is free. In a culture that so lacks grace, how can we be the generous, loving people we were created to be? In this series, based on the work of theologian Miroslav Volf, we’ll explore the surprising link between giving and forgiving. Join us as we find surprising freedom in generosity and grace!

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Elements are the basic building blocks of life. Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon – the simplest substances that combine to form everything that makes living possible. What are the basic elements of the life Jesus calls “truly life”? In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul tells us that only three things last forever – Faith, Hope and Love. What are these essential elements? And how do they combine to create our life?

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Top 10: Movies

Star Wars. Avatar. Up. When a story resonates with so many people it becomes a blockbuster, we should ask, “Why? What is it about this film that resonates with us?” People of faith can gain a window into desires of our culture, and we can discover how the Spirit is at work, that we might join in!

What can we learn about faith by interacting with the stories our world loves?

Identity Crisis

Why is it so hard for the Church to live as Jesus in the world? Why such a sharp divide between the love and mercy of God and the way Christians interact with each other and the world? The Revelation offers us a powerful picture of who the Church is called to be: a reflection of Jesus in the world. By listening to them with pictures of Jesus from John’s gospel, we see a clear picture of who we are called to be.

How can the Church be a faithful reflection of Jesus in the world?

System Failure

We often treat sin as personal moral failings but Sin has an institutional component too. What institutions in our culture form us to be sinful? And how can the Church act as a counter-institution that forms us to be holy?

What do we do when our systems fail?

Fear & Desire

Discovering our calling is a matter of discerning what we love. Contrary to popular belief, we can trust the desires of our hearts as guides to how God is inviting us to change the world. Everyone has a calling. Everyone matters to our future. We find our calling at the intersection of our loves and the needs of our world.

What are you afraid of? What do you love?

What to Expect When We’re Expecting

The future can be a scary thing – especially because it doesn’t come with a roadmap. But when God calls us, we rarely get all the details. How do we move forward faithfully when we don’t know where we’re going? Advent invites us to anticipate well, to look to our fathers and mothers as they longed for God’s rescue. Their stories teach us how to hope well and move forward faithfully.

What is God calling you to?