Josh Mounce - August 11, 2019
Learning to Think Like God
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If you have cable TV or spent any amount of time in a waiting room then there’s a good chance you’ve heard of or seen the HGTV channel. Now this channel is filled with shows about people buying these ridiculously expensive homes or a second home in the maldives or something exotic. But the other shows, which most of us on a less than million dollar budget can really get sucked into, are the ones like Fixer Upper. Flip or Flop, and Good Bones. These series help inspire us to get out there and update our houses. Tile that backsplash! Tear out that wall! Remodel your bathroom! And as for me, I work in home remodeling. So I have a kind of love hate relationships with these shows. On one hand I’m all for people trying their hand at home remodeling projects. On the other hand, they seem to make my job look really easy. And if you’ve ever undertaken a DIY project you may have found it to take a lot longer than it seems in the show and maybe it didn’t turn out quite like you hoped. That can be frustrating right? You watched them do it on the show, you probably read up on it, maybe watched some more youtube videos but it still doesn’t look like it would on fixer upper. As long as you weren’t taking out a load bearing wall, it’s probably ok.
I’m not going to expect you to be able to tile a backsplash by the time you leave. Just like we aren’t expecting you to have a revelation that will instantly turn you into Jesus. Over the last 10 years of home remodeling, I’ve learned how to build a house from the ground up. But I’ve also realized that my spiritual life has not grown at the same pace. I’ve struggled to understand how to grow in several areas of my spirituality. It feels like, when I read the Bible, I’m reading about some super humans who achieved this incredible faith and performed amazing miracles in no time. Just like when we watch those home improvement shows. But I remember that I learned how to build a house through years of practice just like we learn to think and become like Jesus when we do the little things. When we humble ourselves. When we obey. When we seek God’s desires above our own. This isn’t a burning bush experience but an everyday slow, steady transformation. There is a place for major standout experiences but we are not going for that today. What I want is for us to learn to see the world the way that God does. Just like when a homebuildier sees a house he sees something different than when a home buyer does because of his training and experience. We can get frustrated by not seeing the world God’s way, and wonder how we can learn to do so.
It takes steady practice and patience.
Here’s some hope: who God wants you to become is not out of reach. The leaders of the bible were not superhuman but people like you and I. We have the opportunity to see the world through God’s eyes everyday.