This sermon was written and delivered by Josh Mounce.
When I was in 7th grade, I made the decision to join the cross-country team. Why did I do this? I have no idea. And I know that I definitely didn’t think this through. I know this because in other sports, when you practice, you get to do lots of different exercises and drills. Basketball you do some running, shooting, and ball handling drills. Football you get to run all sorts of play and scrimmage. But cross country is different. All you do is run, that’s it. Everyday you know that practice will literally just be running for as many miles as the coach decided to make you run that day. Well, there were days that we changed it up and added in ab workouts and leg workouts. You know, the fun stuff.
So naturally, after the first year, I kept on joining the cross-country team…. for 6 more years. So, I mean the thought is that I must have been pretty good, or at least decent at this because in cross country only the top 7 runners on your team count toward your score. But me, I usually ended up dead last on our team and was little help to the team scoring wise.
So why did I do it?
I’m still not 100% sure. But I think that I was learning things about myself. I was realizing that I was a very determined person. I realized that I could stick it out even though it was tough, even though I wasn’t the best. I learned that my coach and others could help me see the areas in which I could improve and also the areas that I didn’t realize I had potential. I had potential to become much more than I was when I started.
Let’s explore how God has given each one us something that we excel at. Something the bible calls spiritual gifts. God reveals these in us through our life experiences and others.