This series of posts is my attempt to demonstrate that the language of the Revelation was actually symbolic code that was very intelligible to a first-century Jewish Christian living in the Roman Empire.  I’m re-writing the Revelation to communicate the same message, but to a twenty-first century American Christian audience, using symbols we understand.  This particular section parallels Revelation chapter 22.  If you want to catch up, here’s a PDF of the entire series so far: The Revelation to JR.

Look! I’m coming soon! The person who takes the words of this prophecy to heart is blessed.

I, JR., am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw them, I put my hand over my heart and began to pledge my allegiance to the angel who was showing me all this but he stopped me, saying,

You can’t do that! I am a fellow citizen with you and your compatriots the prophets and everyone who takes the words of this prophecy to heart! Pledge allegiance to God!

Then he said,

Don’t hide these prophetic words; put them on your blog! Get them out as fast as you can because it’s almost time! So if you’re evil, keep it up. And if you’re an abomination, keep it up. If you’re just and righteous, keep it up! If you’re holy, keep it up! Because I’m coming soon, and I’m bringing your pay day with me. You’ll get what you’ve earned.

I’m the A and the Z, the first and last. The starting gun and the finish line. Everyone who washes their robes is blessed; they’ll be able to enter the City through my gates and eat from the Tree of Life. But outside? You’ll find the dogs and pagans, the promiscious and murders, the idolaters – everyone who loves falsehood and lives falsely.

I, Jesus, sent my messenger to you with this message for the churches. I am the ancestor and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.

The Spirit and the Bride both call to you,


Let everyone who hears their call echo it:


Let everyone who’s thirsty come. Let anyone who wants it take the water of life as a free gift. And here’s a warning to everyone who hears the prophetic word in this book:

You might think you have something to add; try it and God will add all the plagues in this book to your life.

You might want to skip over some of it, leave some stuff out; try it and God will take away your share in the Tree of Life and the holy City described in this book.

The one who sent this message says,

I’m coming soon. You can count on it.

It’s true! Come, Lord Jesus!

The grace and peace of the Lord Jesus be with all those who follow him. Let it be true.

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