Love is Not…

We mistake a lot of things for love (like, for instance, the infatuation between Romeo & Juliet). But the reality is that not all that masquerades as love is truly love. How do we spot the impostors masquerading as love so we can avoid them?

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How to Find Love

So many things in our world pass themselves off as love, it can be hard to spot genuine love. But the truth is that we’re surrounded by love. So how can we learn to spot it? It helps to learn the fruit that grow from love. After all, if we can spot the fruit, we can identify the root of love from which it grows.

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Beginning the Journey

What does it take to love well? How do we receive love well? Our journey to love begins with making sure we’re ready. And a big part of that is… just showing up! Guest speaker and author Matt Mikalatos invites us to begin the journey well.

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Financial Rhythm

We’ve all experienced financial strain as a result of the pandemic. Those strains make generosity harder. The Bible reminds us that generosity isn’t about how much we give, but our attitude. Do we insist on generosity? On a faith-filled attitude that helps us remain open to our world rather than closed off in fear.

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Social Rhythms

One of the biggest struggles throughout the pandemic has been the loss of our social rhythms. We don’t see our co-workers, our friends or our families nearly as much as we once did. This loss of social interaction has taken a toll – because we were created to know and to be known. So how can we reclaim social rhythms? What does the practice of hospitality look like in our new reality?

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Weekly Rhythms

With everything happening in our world, we feel crushed and hopeless. Now, more than ever, we need to reclaim the weekly rhythm of worship. Why? Because this weekly rhythm reminds us who we are: God’s beloved people, called to be peacemakers in this chaotic world.

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Daily Rhythms

We often think of prayer as asking God for things. And while that’s part of prayer, it’s far from the whole. Prayer is one of the daily rhythms God invites us into. Prayer, reading Scripture and meditation are spaces where we can order our day and remember God is always with us. How can these daily rhythms transform our daily life?

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Rediscovering Our Rhythm

The last year and a half, many of us have felt unmoored and adrift. As we’re opening back up, going back to school and trying to find the new normal, how can we rediscover and reclaim those spiritual rhythms that bring us to life?

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Star Trek: Discovery and Picard

Everywhere we look today, people are afraid. And fear makes us do ugly things – all justified by a need for safety and security. The new flagship Star Trek series – Discovery and Picard – inhabit a fearful universe as well, and they invite us to choose to boldly go with them somewhere better: a world of love and freedom. How can we begin that journey, grounded in God’s love for us that drives out fear?

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Symbols are powerful. What do you feel when you see a Christmas tree? Or an American flag? What about your favorite band’s logo? Of course, the most powerful symbols mean different things to different people. The cross for many of us is a symbol of liberation and hope. But for many others, it’s a symbol of oppression and violence. How do we reclaim the cross for the sake of our neighbors? Surprisingly, Sam Wilson’s journey in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier offers us some clues!

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